Embark on an unforgettable Australian adventure with Dale Karch, Don Thomas, and Denny Sturgis Jr. as they pursue the mighty Asiatic Water Buffalo. Guided by legendary Australian bowhunter Bill Baker, this DVD captures the raw excitement and challenges of hunting these massive creatures using traditional bowhunting methods.
From the outset, viewers are immersed in the rugged Australian landscape, where every encounter with the one-ton Water Buffalo unfolds in real-time. The intensity is palpable as Dale, Don, and Denny rely solely on their skills and determination, armed with nothing but a traditional bow and arrows. Witness the highs and lows of their quest, from exhilarating close encounters to the strategic maneuvers required to outwit these formidable beasts.
Water Buffalo Point Blank offers more than just adrenaline-pumping action—it provides a deep dive into the essence of bowhunting. Through authentic footage and expert guidance from seasoned hunters, youwill experience the thrill and challenges of hunting one of Australia's most iconic game species.
- Real wild encounters and harvests with Water Buffalo
- Intense Action
- Fantastic real footage
- Another quality Traditional Vision Quest Production
- Special tribute section to Bill Baker