What's for dinner? That's up to you! With this 268 page Ultimate Guide to Home Butchering, you'll be able to prepare your very own choice cuts of beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and wild game.
This book is packed with valuable information on how to field dress, process, and prepare wild game such as deer, elk, boar, and bear. You'll also learn how to butcher small game.
For traditional livestock, you'll learn all about butchering cows, chickens, goats, hogs, and more. You'll develop all the skills you need to become self-sufficient in providing quality meat for your table.
This book is your one-stop guide from field dressing to boning out. Everything you need to know and then some.
This priceless resource is over-flowing with full color pictures, illustrations, and information. You'll fill your head with knowledge as you fill your freezer with meat.
268 pages. Paperback. Dimensions: 6" x 9".