The easy way isn't always the best way. Sometimes it's the challenge that makes success all the sweeter. Take up the challenge of starting a fire with flint and steel with the Magnesium Fire Starter.
This back-to-basics fire starting kit features flint, a striker knife, and a magnesium block. Simply gather some tinder, shave off some magnesium, and scrape the knife across the flint to create a spark. You'll have a fire in no time, and you'll have made it in the time-tested way of our forefathers.
The striker knife features a serrated edge for shaving the magnesium. The magnesium burns at 5400°F, making it hot enough to ignite even damp tinder. There is enough magnesium included to make dozens of campfires. The magnesium block is fire resistant in solid form.
Comes with 3" x 1" x ½" magnesium block, serrated edge striker knife, flint striking surface, and handy ball chain for easy transport.