Embark on an enriching journey into 18th-century frontier survival with "Long Hunter Volume 4" featuring Mark Baker. This immersive DVD delves deeply into the essential skills and techniques crucial for thriving in the wilderness. Delve into the diverse array of food items typical in early settlements, and master the art of preparing trail rations that sustained longhunters on their expeditions.
"Long Hunter Volume 4" also delves into the craftsmanship behind belt axes and leggings, essential tools and attire for survival in the wilderness. Baker shares insights into choosing and setting up campsites effectively, along with the famous one-blanket tricks that exemplified resourcefulness in challenging environments. Whether you're a history enthusiast, reenactor, or simply curious about frontier life, this DVD offers invaluable knowledge and practical demonstrations that bring the spirit of the longhunter era to life.
Two disc set. Approximately 2 hours long.