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Welcome to the 3Rivers Archer's Den

Archer's Den

Welcome to the Archer's Den. Here you will find a gathering of traditional archery stories, tips and techniques, trophy animals taken with traditional bows, and plenty more. Stay a while and learn something. We hope you enjoy and even submit a trophy of your own, or leave a comment on a post.

Tales from the Rut

Getting Ready for the Season

by Fred Eichler A lot of fellow traditional bowhunters ask me what I do to get ready for hunting season or what my practice regimen is. In truth, practicing for the season never really stops for the guy that doesn’t want it to. What I mean is that it takes effort, dedication, and sacrifice to make […]

Traditional Experiences

by Fred Eichler I am often asked my opinion on what the most challenging animal to hunt with a traditional bow is. It is not an easy answer. I have had some hunts where the most difficult animal to hunt were the ones everyone told me would be easy. Caribou for example have been super tough for me […]

Why Traditional?

by Fred Eichler It constantly surprises me how many times people ask me why I like shooting traditional equipment so much. The answer is easy. There are really two main reasons I like traditional equipment. It is fun, and in my opinion, it is often the easiest way to harvest an animal. I am in no way bashing […]

Getting Ready for the Hunting Season

bowhunting season preparation

by: Dale Karch Longbow & Recurve Hunting – A Rewarding Challenge In order to get ready for the upcoming hunting season, there are a few more items that need to be addressed other than just sharpening your broadheads. Mind you, a sharp broadhead is very important! But we need to look at all of our […]

5 Tips for Bow Hunting the Rut

Denny Sturgis Jr and Big Buck

by Denny Sturgis Jr. Implementing these five tips into your rut hunting game plan could tip the odds in your favor this season. When the rut approaches, numerous things are changing in the whitetail world. Priorities change for most bucks. Food and security slide down the list to make room for propagation and buck movement […]

Tales From the Rut: Spur of The Moment Bowhunting Success

By Patrick Kelly This story has been republished with the permission of Patrick Kelly, who, at the time of writing this article, was preparing to go on a bear hunt. I was planning on leaving for my bear hunt early Friday (June 12) morning, but I decided to leave Thursday (June 11) instead, so I could make […]

Harvesting a Hog with Hope

This story has been republished with the permission of Randy Madden. Randy was shooting “Hope,” one of two bows made by Bob Sarrels of Sarrels Archery. The bows, Hope and Faith, are identical mirrors of each other – one is right handed and one is left handed. They were made with the express purpose of being donated […]

A Rite of Passage

The rack may not be significant, but the experience of the saga to kill a deer with my bow and the venison for my family most surely is. The bow is a Border Black Douglas 58#@28". Arrows were Axis with a Grizzly Head. 680gr total weight. It's the first kill for this bow. The shot went in as pictured and came out about 6" lower on the opposite side. Got one lung and the liver. He only went maybe 70 meters. The grizzly heads, adapters, feathers, inserts, and some various other bow accessories used were purchased from 3Rivers Archery.

Clinton Miller lives in the hills south of Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia, where it is currently deer season. This article has been re-published here with permission of Clinton Miller. “It’s the first kill for this bow. The shot went in as pictured and came out about 6” lower on the opposite side. Got one lung and […]

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