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Welcome to the 3Rivers Archer's Den

Archer's Den

Welcome to the Archer's Den. Here you will find a gathering of traditional archery stories, tips and techniques, trophy animals taken with traditional bows, and plenty more. Stay a while and learn something. We hope you enjoy and even submit a trophy of your own, or leave a comment on a post.

Learn Archery

Getting Ready for the Season

by Fred Eichler A lot of fellow traditional bowhunters ask me what I do to get ready for hunting season or what my practice regimen is. In truth, practicing for the season never really stops for the guy that doesn’t want it to. What I mean is that it takes effort, dedication, and sacrifice to make […]

Traditional Experiences

by Fred Eichler I am often asked my opinion on what the most challenging animal to hunt with a traditional bow is. It is not an easy answer. I have had some hunts where the most difficult animal to hunt were the ones everyone told me would be easy. Caribou for example have been super tough for me […]

Why Traditional?

by Fred Eichler It constantly surprises me how many times people ask me why I like shooting traditional equipment so much. The answer is easy. There are really two main reasons I like traditional equipment. It is fun, and in my opinion, it is often the easiest way to harvest an animal. I am in no way bashing […]

Shoot Em Flying

Fred Eichler arieal shooting

If you have not shot aerials with your traditional bow yet, then you are truly missing out on one of the coolest things you can do with a trad bow besides hunting. One of the reasons I love shooting aerials is I remember all the old films of Fred Bear shooting thrown discs with his […]

Making The Change to Traditional Archery

Fred Eichler tells how he made the switch from compound to traditional archery.

Congratulations! If you’re reading this I will assume you are considering trying out a traditional bow. As you are probably aware, traditional bows include recurves, longbows, and self bows. Since success in any sport requires an understanding of the sport, I will try and give you a heads up on what to expect as you […]

How to Cure Target Panic

Target Panic hurts your accuracy with a bow and arrow

by Sam Strong There’s not much that can be worse in traditional archery than hearing the dreaded words “target panic.” Target Panic is a mental block causing the archer’s form to break down and wreak havoc on your shooting skills. It can sometimes be described as a fear of missing the target. Other archers describe […]

Making the Switch to Wooden Arrows

When I started shooting a traditional bow a few years ago, I was looking to eventually start hunting with it. Since I was still new to the whole trad world, I decided to stick to what was easiest when it came to arrows and went with a dozen Carbon Express Heritage Traditional arrows. Carbon seemed […]

Reasons to try Traditional Archery

Traditional Archery bow and arrow

I’m sure there are people in this world that ask, “Why would anyone want to use a traditional bow when modern compound bows are readily available? What reasons exist for someone to want to make archery more difficult?” This is not easy to explain. Most of us who shoot traditional archery would say it’s not […]

How to Use Arrow Weight Systems

Arrow weight is a major factor affecting the behavior of your bow’s performance. Depending on the results you hope to achieve, you may want to change the overall weight of a finished arrow. Target archers are generally looking for speed to decrease the arc of the arrow’s flight. On the other hand, bowhunters often prefer […]

What is the Best Arrow Quiver for me?

How to Decide Which Arrow Quiver is Right for you? Trying to choose the right quiver can be as difficult as choosing the right bow. While the essential purpose is to simply hold arrows, there are many options available. So where do you start? Other than personal preference, it’s going to depend on the type […]

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